Эссе на тему профессия учитель английском. Как составить рассказ о профессии учителя на английском языке с переводом? Перевод текста: My Future Profession - Моя будущая профессия

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My Future Profession

Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are opened before them: vocational and technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can"t decide even after leaving school.
As for me, I made my choice long ago. I want to become a teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature. My choice of this occupation didn"t come as a sudden flash. During all school years literature was my favourite subject. I"ve read a lot of books by Ukrainian and foreign writers. I understand that reading books helps people in self education and in solving different life problems.
I would like to teach my pupils to enjoy reading, to encourage them to learn our national language and literature, which is the source of national culture. It is known that teaching is a very specific and difficult job. It shouldn"t be taken easily. The teacher is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life.
Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m., but teacher"s work is never done and evenings are usually spent in marking exercise-books and preparing for the next lesson.
Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils" intellect, form their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people. It"s a great responsibility and the teacher must be a model of competence himself.
It"s not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I"ll get at the University would be quite enough to succeed in my work.
I"m applying to the philological department and I am sure my dream will come true sooner or later.

Моя будущая профессия

Окончание школы - это начало самостоятельной жизни для миллионов выпускников. Перед ними открыто много дорог: профучилища и техникумы, институты и университеты. Но нелегко выбрать одну профессию из 2000, существующих в мире. Некоторые ученики следуют советам своих родителей, другие же не могут сделать выбор даже после окончания школы.
Что касается меня, я сделал(а) свой выбор давно. Я хочу стать учителем украинской литературы и языка. Мой выбор этой профессии не был неожиданностью. Все школьные годы моим любимым предметом была литература. Я читал(а) много книг украинских и зарубежных писателей. Я понимаю, что чтение книг помогает людям в самообразовании и в решении разных жизненных проблем.
Мне бы хотелось научить детей получать удовольствие от чтения, помочь им выучить родной язык и литературу, который является источником национальной культуры. Известно, что профессия учителя особенная и трудная. К ней нельзя относиться легкомысленно. Учитель - это человек, который учится сам и учит других всю жизнь.
Большинство работ выполняется в обычные рабочие часы с 9 утра до 5 вечера, но работа учителя никогда не заканчивается, и вечера обычно заняты проверкой тетрадей и подготовкой к следующему уроку.
Учителя не только обучают своему предмету. Они развивают способности учеников, формируют их взгляды и характер, их отношение к жизни и к людям. Это большая ответственность, и учитель сам должен быть образцом компетентности.
Это не так легко, как кажется на первый взгляд. Но я думаю, что любовь к детям, соединенная со знаниями, которые я получу в университете, поможет мне преуспеть в работе.
Я поступаю на филологический факультет и я уверен(а), что моя мечта рано или поздно осуществится.


1. What roads are opened before school leavers?
2. Is it an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world?
3. What does reading books help in?
4. Why is teaching a very specific and difficult job?
5. What would be enough to succeed in your work?


independent - независимый
school leaver - выпускник
to exist - существовать
to follow the advice - следовать совету
to make a choice - делать выбор
sudden flash - неожиданная вспышка
source - источник
office hours - "присутственные часы"

17 Сен

Тема по английскому языку: Моя будущая профессия

Топик по английскому языку: Моя будущая профессия (My future profession is a teacher). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.

Выбор сделан

Этим летом я сдаю выпускные экзамены. Что касается моей будущей профессии, я могу сказать, что уже сделала свой выбор. Я хочу быть преподавателем иностранного языка.

Работа учителем иностранного языка

Работа учителя иностранного языка чрезвычайно разностороння. Обучение языку – первостепенная задача. Но что гораздо важнее, на уроках иностранного языка обучающиеся учатся думать. Кроме того, преподаватель иностранного языка помогает своим ученикам интегрироваться в страну изучаемого языка.


Преподаватель иностранного языка дает знания о культуре страны, и, зачастую, является единственным связующим звеном между обучающимся и данной культурой. Учитель рассказывает студентам о специфических культурных особенностях страны изучаемого языка, ее ценностях и традициях.

Будни учителя

Помимо этого, учитель выполняет большое количество бумажной работы. Государственные школы традиционно имеют план обучения, которому учитель должен следовать. Это могут быть готовые планы урока или же учитель должен сам составлять эти планы. Есть также большое количество контрольных и тестовых работ, которые учитель должен проверить и дать свои рекомендации каждому обучающемуся по улучшению результатов письменной работы. Преподавателям также приходится посещать еженедельные совещания.

Влияние учителя

Мне кажется, после родителей учитель – самый важный человек в жизни ребенка, и именно этот факт делает профессию учителя такой значимой. Хорошие учителя мотивируют и поощряют своих учеников и вселяют в них уверенность в своих силах, даже если ученики думают, что неспособны научиться чему-либо. Плохие учителя также оказывают влияние на ребенка, однако негативное. Именно от учителя, каким бы он ни был, зависит, научится ли ребенок видеть разницу между плохим и хорошим и каким он впоследствии станет. И я мечтаю стать учителем, потому что эта самая важная профессия на земле.

Скачать Топик по английскому языку: Моя будущая профессия

My future profession is a teacher

I’m taking my school-leaving exams in the summer. As for my future profession , I can say that I’ve already made up my mind. I want to be a language teacher.

A teacher of a foreign language

The job of a language teacher is versatile. Teaching the language is naturally the primary task. On top of that, in language lessons the students have their thinking skills developed. In addition to actually teaching the language the language teacher’s job is also to help the students integrate in the country.

The culture of the country

A language teacher represents the culture of the country to the student and at school; sometimes they may be the student’s only contact with the culture in question. A language teacher also teaches the culture, its special features, principles, values and traditions to the students.

Teacher’s routine

Apart from that the job of a language teacher requires a lot of paper work. Public schools generally have a particular curriculum that the teacher must follow. There may be lesson plans already developed that the teacher can use, or he or she may be given leeway to develop their own lessons. Moreover, public schools often require students to take standardized tests during and at the end of a semester which the teacher has to check and provide feedback on. They may also have to attend weekly staff meetings.

Impact on a child’s perception

I believe that after parents, a child’s teacher is the most important person in their life and this makes teaching so important. Effective teachers can motivate and inspire children to reach their potential even when they don’t want to or feel that they can. Ineffective teachers can also impact a child just as much, but in a negative manner. Both types of teachers have an immediate impact on a child’s perception of self, good or bad. And I dream of being a teacher because teaching is the most important job in the world.

I. Read the text, write out unknown words.

The profession of a teacher

Difficult, wonderful, exhausting, fun, stressful, enlightening, rewarding beyond compare: That"s what you hear when you ask veteran teachers what their job is like. Then, when you ask veteran teachers if they would choose the same career if they could live their lives over, the answer is usually yes.

Teaching requires enormous patience, and there is no ready-made formula for good teaching. Studies on effective teaching demonstrate that there are nearly as many successful styles as there are successful teachers.

But there are some qualities in good teachers on which nearly everyone agrees:

Candidates for teaching should be:

  • Among the highest academic performers
  • Well versed in the subjects they teach
  • Knowledgeable about how to teach
  • Able to use different strategies
  • Interested in ideas
  • Committed to teaching and learning
  • Eager to make a difference in students" lives

Every teacher must develop the characteristics of a professional and model professionalism every day. Speaking about the main elements of professionalism the main three categories should be indicated: attitude, behavior and communication. Addressing these areas can help any teacher to develop a stronger sense of professionalism.

Attitude is everything! A positive attitude is an essential component of professionalism. Beginning at the dimpliest level, teachers cannot let their personal lives interfere with there professional attitude. Even when having a bad day, a teacher still needs to maintain a positive attitude and not a bad mood on the students. A professional needs to push away outside concerns or distractions and focus on the task at hand.

One of the best things a teacher can do is to love his or her students. It is so important for students to know that their teachers care for them. A professional doesn’t view his or her profession as just a job, but rather sees it as a calling that is all about caring for children. The ability to make personal connections with students is an identifiable trait of a successful teacher. It’s easy to fall into the trap of focusing on the negative. Every job and profession has its ups and downs, and a true professional focuses his or her energy in a positive way. This calls for the attitude of assertiveness. When a teacher sees that something is not working well, he or she needs to take action and seek solution.

Risk taking is another element of a professional attitude. There can be no accomplishment without taking some risk. A professional should be willing to take risks and try new things, and thus avoid falling into a rut and becoming stagnant.

An attitude of confidence is another key component of professionalism. Lack of confidence can lead to social errors and unprofessional behavior. Teachers must know and trust themselves and their abilities.

An attitude of initiative is also important element. Professionals set goals for themselves and their students. They know what they want to achieve. One of the first signs that prove that teachers are becoming more professional is that they begin to take initiative, rather than wait to be told what to do.

Lastly, effective teachers need to commit themselves to being lifelong learners, because real professional has a continuing growth plan to achieve competence and strives continuously to raise the level of each new group of students.

One more category is behavior. A professional is defined not by the business a person is in but by the way that person does his or her business. Preparedness, one behavior associated with professionalism, is an important focus in the current standards movement that require that the teacher should know the subject matter and can teach it effectively so students can learn, teachers should know the content and methodology of what they teach. Teachers need to be prepared to teach the content of their lessons, as well as be prepared with the proper materials and resources. Many beginning teacher underestimate how much time proper planning and preparation entail. The sooner they understand this, the better.

Punctuality is another critical behavior associated with professionalism. It is critical that the teachers arrive on time, whether it is for the start of the school day or for picking up the students from a special class.

Professionals, metaphorically, live in the glass houses; they are under constant scrutiny and are held to the highest moral and ethical standards. Teachers, expected to be role models for their students, must carefully examine how their behavior, both in and out of the classroom, might make an impression on others. A teacher’s actions and influence as a role model can either help or harm others. Just a hint of any impropriety can both ruin a teacher’s reputation and leave students disappointed and confused.

Like it or not, people are often judged by their appearance. A professional is expected to dress in a respectable manner. While the level of formality has declined in many professions, many types of clothing still are considered inappropriate in professional settings. Clothes that are too provocative, casual or sloppy are inappropriate. Body piercing, tattoos and other bold fashions are often looked upon unfavorably. Teachers are encouraged to err on the side of formality, rather than to dress in casual or contemporary fashion. A teacher should look like a teacher, not one of the students. University or school is not the place to make wild fashion statements or to dress in provocative ways.

Being able to discern the types of topics that are appropriate for conversation is an important quality of professional behavior. It is recommended for teacher to avoid responding to inappropriate questions and ones that are too personal. In conversations, they also should avoid interrupting others and should think before they speak.

Respect – the act of displaying a high regard for students. A professional respects all others, even when that respect is not returned. As a role model for appropriate behavior, a teacher always must show respect to colleagues, parents and students. A professional treats everyone with dignity.

Numerous facets of communication impact professionalism. Among these are collaboration, cooperation, support and encouragement, and participation in learning communities, as well as basic modeling of proper language usage. Collaboration is one of the core propositions of accomplished teaching. Building good, strong relationships is part of being a professional. Teachers no longer can go into their classroom, shut the door and do their own things. The changing nature of schools calls for teachers to collaborate with others and work effectively as a team toward common goals. Collaboration is essential for meeting the needs of all the students.

Teaching is hard work, and a little encouragement goes a long way. It is important for teachers to edify and support one another, to have opportunities to share their triumphs and tragedies. As professionals, teachers must focus on cooperation rather than competition. Real professionals consult and help one another.

A professional should sound like an educated person, always using proper speech and grammar. Here again, teachers need to be appropriate role models for students.

Becoming truly professional is a lifelong challenge. Professionalism is a process more than an outcome – a way of encountering new students and new classroom problems and of finding meaning and solution to them as you grow. Educators play a significant role in enhancing the professionalism of the teaching field by demonstrating these characteristics in their own professional lives.

Устная тема по английскому языку с переводом: My future profession My future profession

There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I am going to become a teacher. I suppose my future profession to be one of the most important nowadays.

My future speciality is English (Literature, Russian, History, Geography). I love children very much and to become a teacher has been my dream since my early childhood.

To teach and to bring up children is the most important and noble thing, to my mind. I am eager to get the proper education to be able to do my best to teach my future pupils my favourite subject. I"ll try not only to help them to master it. I"ll try to help them to become good and clever people, to be honest, kind and noble.

Children are our future and I want them to be really good and educated people. Of course, the profession of a teacher is not an easy one. It demands a lot of knowledge, a lot of tenderness of feeling and sometimes a lot of patience. But I hope, that I"ll be a good teacher and that my pupils will like me and my subject.

Перевод текста: My future profession

Есть много интересных и полезных профессий. Я собираюсь становиться преподавателем. Я предполагаю, что моя будущая профессия будет одним из самых важных в настоящее время.

Моя будущая специальность является английской (Литература, русский язык, История, География). Я люблю детей очень, и становиться преподавателем была моя мечта начиная с моего раннего детства.

Преподавать и поднимать детей - самая важная и благородная вещь, к моему мнению. Я стремлюсь заставлять надлежащее образование быть в состоянии приложить все усилия, чтобы преподавать моим будущим ученикам мой любимый предмет. Я буду пробовать не только помочь им справляться с этим. Я буду пробовать помочь им становиться хорошими и умными людьми, честно говоря, добрый и благородный.

Дети - наше будущее, и я хочу, чтобы они были действительно хорошими и образованными людьми. Конечно, профессия преподавателя не легкий. Это требует большое знание, много нежности чувства и иногда большое терпение. Но я надеюсь, что я буду хорошим преподавателем и что мои ученики будут любить меня и мой предмет.

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“Who is the secondary school teacher who has had the greatest positive impact on your development?”

When we happen to dwell upon the individuals, influencing us most we first of all mention our parents. Thus by being an upstanding, decent and simultaneously rather tolerant person my father helped me to become an open minded person, contemporaneously not afraid to express my opinions openly, and being ready to accept viewpoints contrary to my own. Without doubt, our parents have the strongest possible impact on us, but there are always people, whose influence mean much to us as well and contribute greatly to our development. I mean our schoolteachers, who lay themselves out to grant us with all possible knowledge, experience, skills and competencies, that they have at their disposal and arsenal. They contribute greatly to the very development of our personality and invest their own destinies in the destinies and lives of their students. Some of them affect and govern us in a lesser degree; others work upon us deeply and profoundly. I personally should point out that it was lucky that I had the secondary school teacher (history teacher) who happened to carry the strongest positive authority on me.

Популярные топики:

By demonstrating enthusiasm and stimulating interest in his subject, being able to impart some sense of emotional involvement to his studies Igor Rogov managed to inculcate in me deep love for Russian history and enlightened the role of my native country on the very international scene. It has developed my patriotic spirit and made me estimate Russian literary and scientific heritage at their true worth.

My mentor broadened my horizons, concerning world cultures and history as well. By means of school exchange, due to the initiative of master, we visited Berlin, London, Copenhagen, Paris, Helsinki and Stockholm, which granted us with a good chance to communicate with people from various countries, speaking different languages, following alien traditions and customs. Thanks to it I have keen and vivid interest in modern world history, which has enriched my mind and liberalized my mental outlook.

In Washington (D.C.) together with some other Russian teachers Igor Rogov listened to some interesting lectures, dealing with the content of NIS teachers Exchange, concerning the problem of Educational Reform in America and the Governance of American Secondary Schools, etc. A significant part of the work of my teacher at school at the moment is founded on his European and American experience, accumulated while visiting colleges, Universities, schools and etc., communicating with different students or teachers. He is always ready to share his knowledge and impressions with his pupils. The end product of teaching, as my tutor views it, is to help children differentiate and tell good and right things from bad and wrong ones, to equip students to learn from the past and prepare for the future. Generally speaking, thanks to my history teacher it became evident to me, that the end product of teaching is the creation and further development of individuality.

By and large I managed to learn a lot of useful information from my history teacher, and I’m genuinely grateful to him for the subject he found it necessary to teach and the very form and way he did it. As I view it, there are two basic categories of teachers: devoted to their profession and ones, who “see teaching as one profession among many”; devoted professionals who can’t wait for the day to begin and the ones who can’t wait for the day to end; teachers who find solutions and those who find excuses for their students’ poor performance. The hero of the following essay should be considered among the first ones. I would better characterize Igor Rogov as a devoted professional, the one for whom the very hard and complicated process of teaching has become more a source of devotion than fulfillment, the one who follows his vocation and views teaching as the greatest profession in the world. Thus, the goal of teaching can not simply be to grind or insert some useful things into the heads of students, but to assure them to apply it properly and honestly in practice, even when no one is looking.

Кто из учителей средней школы оказал наибольшее положительное влияние на Ваше развитие?

Когда у нас возникает необходимость рассказывать о тех, кто в наибольшей степени влияет на нас, то мы в первую очередь упоминаем наших родителей. Так, будучи честным, порядочным и одновременно довольно толерантным человеком, мой отец помог мне стать терпимым индивидуумом, одновременно не боящимся выражать свое мнение открыто, и быть готовым принять чужую точку зрения, идущую вразрез с моей собственной. Без сомнения, наши родители оказывают наибольшее возможное влияние на нас, но всегда есть и другие люди, чье мнение также много значит для нас, и может внести существенный вклад в наше развитие. Я имею в виду наших учителей, которые делают все возможное, чтобы предоставить нам все имеющиеся в их расположении знания, опыт, навыки и умения. Они вносят большой вклад в само развитие нашей личности и вкладывают свои судьбы в судьбы и жизни своих учеников. Некоторые из них влияют и управляют нами в меньшей степени, другие работают над нами глубоко и основательно. Лично я должен отметить, что мне повезло, и у меня в средней школе был учитель (учитель истории), которому довелось оказать сильное положительное влияние на меня.

Демонстрируя энтузиазм и стимулируя интерес к своему предмету, будучи в состоянии придать некоторый смысл аспекту эмоциональной вовлеченности в учебу, Игорь Рогов сумел привить мне глубокую любовь к русской истории и объяснил роль, играемую моей родной страной на международной арене. Это укрепило мой патриотический дух и заставило меня оценить русское литературное и научное наследие по достоинству.

Мой наставник также расширил мой кругозор, касающийся мировой культуры и истории. С помощью школьного обмена, благодаря инициативе преподавателя, мы посетили Берлин, Лондон, Копенгаген, Париж, Хельсинки и Стокгольм, что гарантировало нам хорошую возможность общения с людьми из разных стран, говорящих на разных языках, соблюдающих чуждые нам традиции и обычаи. Благодаря этому у меня есть пристальный и живой интерес к современной мировой истории, который обогатил мой ум и либерализовал мой кругозор.

По большому счету, мне удалось узнать много полезного от моего учителя истории, и я искренне благодарен ему за предмет, которому он обучал и саму форму этого обучения. Как я это понимаю, есть две основные категории учителей: преданные своей профессии и те, кто «видят преподавательство лишь как одну профессию среди многих», истинные профессионалы, которые не могут дождаться начала рабочего дня и те, кто не могут дождаться его окончания, учителя, умеющие находить решения и те, кто только находят оправдания плохой работе своих студентов. Герой данной статьи относится к первой категории. Я бы охарактеризовал Игоря Рогова, как преданного профессионала, того, для кого очень трудоемкий, и сложный процесс обучения стал в большей степени источником вдохновения, нежели исполнением, того, кто следует своему призванию и рассматривает преподавание как величайшую профессию в мире. Итак, цель обучения не может заключаться в простом вдалбливании некоторых полезных вещей в головы студентов, она должна также предусматривать привитие навыков по их правильному и честному применению, даже если за вами в это время никто не наблюдает.